Initiative Process

Voting on initiatives is one California voters' most powerful tools. CVF has long been committed to helping voters make informed choices on ballot measures, by ensuring voters have access to reliable, nonpartisan voting information such as knowing who are the top donors for and against each  proposition. CVF helped shape successful legislation that directs the state's Fair Political Practices Commission to publish and update lists of the top ten donors supporting and opposing each proposition(link is external). CVF also helps voters learn about ballot measures through its Proposition Song music videos.

In 2011, CVF was asked by the Greenlining Institute to examine potential disclosure reforms that could improve voters' ability to follow the money behind inititiave campaigns, resulting in the report, Initiative Disclosure Reform: Overview and Recommendations

Content on the CVF web site relating to this topic:

How to vote when you don't know what you're voting for


No one is an expert on every subject.

And yet, California’s political process frequently calls upon voters to weigh in on complex issues concerning criminal justice, public health, economics, the environment, just to name a few.

The good news is, voting is not a test, says Kim Alexander of the California Voter Foundation. If you skip boxes on the ballot, you will not get an “F” in voting.

Alexander is beating the drum on encouraging people to vote.

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