Voting by mail is a popular option among California voters, but one that's not without problems. After noticing that thousands of vote-by-mail ballots were being routinely rejected each election, CVF conducted an in-depth, three-county study of California's vote-by-mail process and how it could be improved and released the study findings in 2014. In 2020, CVF conducted a follow-up study and issued a new report on ballot rejection. These efforts have helped lead to new state laws and regulations that protect voters and help keep ballots from being rejected.
CVF Resources:
- Ensuring Every Vote Counts: California’s Signature Curing Process, CVF President Kim Alexander's March 18, 2025 State Senate Elections Committee hearing testimony and slide deck
- Improving California's Vote-by-Mail Process by Reducing Ballot Rejection: A Three-County Study (CVF 2020 report) PDF | news release
- Improving California's Vote-by-Mail Process: A Three-County Study (CVF 2014 report) PDF | HTML
- CVF President Kim Alexander's Declaration of Support for the ACLU's signature rejection lawsuit (2017)
- CVF 2020 Election Vote-by-Mail Infographic (available to download and repost):
Other Resources:
- Secretary of State Vote-by-Mail Ballot Rejection Reasons reports
- California's June 2022 Election Rejected Vote-by-Mail Ballots by Reason Code from the California Secretary of State
- California Signature Verification, Ballot Processing and Ballot Counting Emergency Regulations, adopted Sept. 2020 by the Secretary of State
- California's November 2020 Election Rejected Vote-by-Mail Ballots by County (data provided from the Secretary of State)
- California's March 2020 Election Rejected Vote-by-Mail Ballots by County (data provided by the Secretary of State and excerpted from CVF's rejected ballots report appendix)
- Vote by Mail information and application from the California Secretary of State
- Ballot Drop Box Regulations and Emergency 2020 Election Regulations for Collection Times
- Remote Accessible Vote-by-Mail (RAVBM) Fact Sheet from Disability Rights California (2020)
- Applying for a Mailed Out Ballot - A State-by-State Guide from the National Vote at Home Institute (2019)
- Asian Americans face higher than average vote-by-mail ballot rejection rates in California, an Aug. 2017 issue brief from Asian Americans Advancing Justice - California
- Center for Election Innovation's June 2018 Primary Election Report and November 2018 General Election Report to the California Secretary of State on Voter's Choice Act Implementation
- Signature Verification and Mail Ballots: Guaranteeing Access While Preserving Integrity, a Case Study of the Every Vote Counts Act conducted by Stanford Law School Law and Policy Lab (2020)
Studies from the Center for Inclusive Democracy at the USC Price School of Public Policy (formerly the California Civic Engagement Project)
- Voter's Choice Act: 2020 General Election Voter Registration and Turnout (May 2022) (including vote-by-mail ballot rejection rates)
- California’s Changing Electorate: A 2020 Post Election Analysis of Voting Behavior (August 2021) (including vote-by-mail ballot rejection rates)
- The California Voter Experience Study: A Statewide Survey of Voter Perspectives on Vote-By-Mail and Vote Centers (September 2017)
- The California Voter Experience: Why African-American Voters Choose to Vote at the Polls or Vote-by-Mail, and How They Perceive Proposed Changes to California’s Voting System (September 2016)
- The California Voter Experience: Vote-by-Mail vs. the Polls (July 2016)
- Disparities in California’s Uncounted Vote-by-Mail Ballots: Youth, Language Preference and Military Status (October 2014 Issue Brief #3)
- California’s Uncounted Vote-By-Mail Ballots: Identifying Variation in County Processing (September 2014 Issue Brief #2)
- Disparities in California’s Vote-by-Mail Use Changing Demographic Composition: 2002-2012 (March 2014 Issue Brief #1)