CVF in the News

By Molly Burke, San Francisco Chronicle, November 5, 2024


Election Day is here, and for the millions of Californians who have already voted, there are steps they can take to make sure their ballots are counted.

After researching and taking time to complete a pages-long ballot, thousands of voters statewide each election have their votes rejected for their signatures, or lack thereof. Whether you forgot to sign your ballot return envelope or signed it in a way that doesn’t match previous signatures, your ballot can be fixed in the weeks after the election.

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Here is how to make sure your vote is counted.

Mail-in ballots on Election Day

For voters submitting mail-in ballots on Election Day, the safest option for making sure your vote is counted is to drop off the ballot at a voting site before they close at 8 p.m.

By Keith Mizuguchi, KQED, November 5, 2024


It’s the final day to vote in the 2024 general election. While millions of Californians have already cast their ballots, many more will head to the polls Tuesday to vote on local measures, state propositions and our next president.

Kim Alexander, President of the California Voter Foundation, says if you haven’t voted yet, there’s still time. “Vote as early as you can. It could get busy. You are entitled under California law to take up to two hours off of work to vote. You needed to ask for that last Friday from your boss. So if you didn’t, they may not grant it, but it doesn’t hurt to ask,” Alexander said.

By Vicki Gonzalez, CapRadio, November 5, 2024


Many voters might be opening their ballots for the first time, with just hours to go before polls close on Election Day. Kim Alexander is the President and Founder of the California Voter Foundation and provides some last-minute tips on filling out your ballot, as well as the importance of participating in the elections process. (Full Audio)


By Aidin Vaziri, San Francisco Chronicle, November 5, 2024


Over 7.6 million ballots were cast in California before the final days of voting, but the counting process will take days if not weeks. The uncertainty, heightened by the state’s universal mail-in voting system, may fuel doubts and conspiracy theories about election integrity. In response, state and local officials are working to reassure the public that all ballots are secure and will be counted accurately.

To enhance transparency, the California Voter Foundation launched an initiative to monitor ballot counting in seven key congressional districts, providing updates on the count and candidate margins starting Tuesday until Dec. 5. 

“We have more competitive races and narrower margins in California today than we used to,” Kim Alexander, the foundation’s president, said in a statement. “In some contests, practically every single ballot must be counted before a winner can be determined.” 

By Kat Schuster, Yahoo News! November 4, 2024


More than 8 million Californians already cast their ballots just one day before the election, but even with the advantage of early voting, it's likely to take several days to determine the winner of several races.

In this election, several key races are highly competitive, with narrow margins of victory anticipated, making it a challenge to know the winners on Election Day, according to the California Voter Foundation.

And this election will be a nail-biter, since it will decide who sits in the White House and determine the balance of power in Congress.

And while the latest polls showed a landslide of support for Vice President Kamala Harris in blue California, national polling placed the presidential contest on a knife's edge. Harris and former president Donald Trump are battling down to the wire in swing states.

By Lynn La, CalMatters, November 4, 2024


There are only two more days to vote in California, and more than 7.6 million Californians have cast their ballots. But the counting will last for days, if not weeks, before news outlets declare all the winners or candidates concede. 

The delays and uncertainty — which have grown since California started sending mail ballots to all voters — can sow doubts or even conspiracy theories. So state and local election officialsare trying to reassure voters that their ballots are safe against cyber and other attacks and will be counted.

To bring more transparency and build public trust in the count, the nonpartisan California Voter Foundation is launching a new project that, in seven swing congressional districts, will track how many ballots have been counted, how many ballots remain to be tallied and the margin between the two candidates. The updates will start Tuesday and end Dec. 5.

By Kitty O'Neal, KFBK News Radio, November 1, 2024

Kim Alexander, Founder and President California Voter Foundation.  The California Voter Foundation is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization working through research, oversight, outreach and demonstration projects to improve the election process so that it better serves the needs and interests of voters. (Full Audio)

By Chris Woodyard, Stocktonia, November 1, 2024


If you want to vote in person before Election Day, you may wish you lived somewhere besides San Joaquin County.

That’s because you have only one in-person option — weekdays at the county registrar’s office in downtown Stockton.

Nearby counties give voters more places where they can cast a ballot.

Contra Costa opens five voting centers, starting Friday. Stanislaus County opened six this week, with more coming this weekend. Sacramento voters have their choice of 16.

To cast a ballot early in San Joaquin County, a voter must go to the registrar’s office at 44 N. San Joaquin St. during its normal business hours, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. That means this Friday or Monday — not Saturday or Sunday.

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By Mina Kim, KQED, October 30, 2024

Did you make a mistake filling out your ballot? Need a refresher on how ranked choice voting works? Wondering how to find your polling place? Kim Alexander, president of the California Voter Foundation, and KQED’s Scott Shafer join us to take all of your voting questions ahead of the Nov. 5 election. (Full Audio)

By Carly Severn, KQED, October 14, 2024


Election Day — your last day to vote — is on Tuesday, Nov. 5. And if you’re a registered California voter, your ballot should be arriving in your mailbox very soon, if it hasn’t already.

But what if you make a mistake on your ballot as you’re filling it out? Or are you just not sure how to fill it out in the first place?

Keep reading to learn how to fill out your ballot, how important your signature is and your options if you need to start again with a fresh ballot.

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What if I just don’t know my ‘correct’ signature I’m registered to vote with?

If you’re really worried about the signature on your envelope not matching the signature you’re registered to vote with, there are two good solutions.
